Gonzalo Collazo writes: “Un Tango dans le camp militaire de Beverloo en Belgique.Collection Dominique LESCARRET (Tango is early 1900s) https://es.pinterest.com/popeopera/peace1800s/ Camp de Beverloo. Un Tango dans les bois ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.”
Gonzalo Collazo writes: “Mario Zavattaro (1876-1932) drawing – illustrator, caricaturist and painter Genovese. He settled in Argentina in the early twentieth century, died in Buenos Aires. Dibujo de Mario Zavattaro (1876-1932) – dibujante, caricaturista y pintor genovés. Radicado en la Argentina a principios del siglo XX, murió en Buenos Aires.
Gonzalo Collazo writes: “This picture came to me a long time ago, I remember someone told me that it was one of the known figures of Argentine tango in BsAs but at the time I did not keep records of the information given and recent searches unfortunately didn’t comes up
Gonzalo Collazo writes: “This image was sent to me by Gayarai Dasi on 23th march 2016. I’ve searched as much as I could but with no results. I still don’t know anything about time and location. Esta imágen me fue enviada directamente por Gayatri Dasi el 23 de marzo de
Gonzalo Collazo writes: “I found two sources, the second is: Baile en un barrio popular de Buenos Aires, ca. 1935. AGN http://www.revistatodavia.com.ar/todavia16/notas/pujol/txtpujol.html ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url: http://migueldiel.pagesperso-orange.fr/eltango.htm
Gonzalo Collazo writes: “The vivac was a practice in the military service that consisted in building a camp and thus live a while, sometimes sleeping rough. Patricios is the Regiment of Buenos Aires city, was a destination for wealthier university soldiers in Palermo. Now it is a military centre without
Gonzalo Collazo writes: 52 “Circa 1890 – 1905, Montevideo. Reservists or soldiers dancing tango on one side of the Fortress of the Cerro de Montevideo. Grisel Alassio Collection. When we founded the group Tango Queer Uruguay in 2010 we decided to find photos of old tango where at least appears