Pareja de hombres bailando en conventillo. Cortesía de Gayatri Dasi

Gonzalo Collazo writes:
“This image was sent to me by Gayarai Dasi on 23th march 2016. I’ve searched as much as I could but with no results. I still don’t know anything about time and location.
Esta imágen me fue enviada directamente por Gayatri Dasi el 23 de marzo de 2016. Busqué tanto como pude pero aún no sé nada sobre su ubicación y época.
I like this image due to the air of intimacy that evokes me. To me It seems to be from a conventillo in Buenos Aires.”
What do you believe the copyright status of this image to be?
Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.”
The image url: