Tag: men couples

Five couples of men posing, Argentina, 1940s or 1950s?

Ray Batchelor writes: “From ‘En Ojo con Dientes’ to publicise the 4th Internartional Queer Tango Festival in Buenos Aires in 2010 – ‘Buenos Aires se prepara para la IV edición del festival de tango homosexual’ In Cultura, Noticias, Sociedad on 21 noviembre, 2010 at 15:26 I am grateful to Birthe

Men dancing with each other on a beach with accordion player

Ray Batchelor writes: “From Johan Dijkink’s Pinterest Board ‘Men and Tango’ Yet is it tango? From a silent unmarked photo – c1930 from the wide trousers – cannot tell us, although a piano accordion would make a good substitute for a bandoneón.” What do you belive the copyright status of

Men dancing (?) tango with each other in Buenos Aires – date?

Ray Batchelor writes [and adds, 15 01 2020 – see below]: “Downloaded from Wikimedia Commons. Beyond believing what most sources indicate – that these are men, that they are dancing (or practicing, or posing) with each other in a street in Buenos Aires at some time in the 20th century,

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