Tag: 1910

Silent Film of Sailors Dancing with each Other, Rio de Janiero,1922

Ray Batchelor writes: “Since this was originally posted, I have found another, shorter, 55 second clip on the Pathé Archive website http://www.britishpathe.com/video/jacks-the-dasant/query/sailors+dancing showing the same scene of dancing, the right way around and with a date – 1922 – and a title sequence which identifies the scene as follows: “Titles

c1910 Dimanche à bord de Françoise-d’Amboise

Gonzalo Collazo writes: “c 1910 Sunday aboard Françoise-Amboise. Dans les grands beaux temps, la danse entre marins au son de l’accordéon (à droite). In the good times, the dance between marines and the sound of an accordion. ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be?

The dance at the closing of Lorea market. Detail. 1909.

  Ray Batchelor writes (15 01 2020): I urge you to enlarge this high quality image and look at it very carefully. It is a detail taken from this larger photograph, “El baile de clausura” which appeared in the popular Buenos Aires magazine Caras y Caretas (“Faces & Masks) in 1909.