Éve Lavalliére (as a man) and Andrée Spinelly in the play “Tango” 1913-14

Ray Batchelor writes:
“This photo is taken from the website “Une Histoire du Tango” created by Dominique Lescarret and was originally published in the French magazine “Femina” February 1914.
The text at the foot of the image reads:
Un couple charmant : Mlle Eve Lavallière et Spinelly dans une scène du "Tango" Ce groupe exquis, d’une grâce si tendrement juvénile, représente, au troisième acte du " Tango ", la jolie pièce de Mr et Mme Jean Richepin, Mlles Eve Lavallière (à gauche) et Spinelly. Le jeune prince et la jeune princesse de Lusignan interrompent leur matinale séance de "culture physique" pour demander à Molière une leçon de philosophie et de bonne entente. S’il n’y a pas, dans Femina, d’autres illustrations marquantes concernant la pièce de Jean Richepin, celle-ci tient néanmoins l’affiche depuis décembre 1913. Andrée Spinelly (à droite) est parfois connue sous son vrai nom : Élisa Fournier.
Which Google Translates as:
A lovely couple: Miss Eve Lavallière and Spinelly in a scene from "Tango" This exquisite group of a grace so tenderly juvenile, is the third act of "Tango", the pretty piece of Mr. and Mrs. John Richepin Misses Eve Lavalliére (left) and Spinelly. The Young Prince and the Young Princess Lusignan interrupt their morning session of "physical culture" to ask Molière a lesson in philosophy and understanding. If there is not, in Femina, other significant illustrations of the play by Jean Richepin, it nevertheless holds the poster since December 1913. Andrée Spinelly (right) is sometimes known by her real name: Elisa Fournier.
There is work to be done about this play, about the players – especially Lavallière. Her cross-dressing was a key feature of her career and she seems to have done it with more than ordinary relish. She went from being, perhaps, the most glamorous woman in France, photographed, written about and with a tempestuous private life, to withdrawing to a life of religious obscurity with her female companion.
See: http://www.michaeljournal.org/lavalliere.htm and https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=wwd6yscZBMsC&pg=PA127&lpg=PA127&dq=Éve+Lavalliére&source=bl&ots=X5LJ7Mk88D&sig=_Oaxyh-X6d7B95jApkUWwPswVR4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjehv2PxLnPAhWInBoKHWHICjUQ6AEIUzAJ#v=onepage&q=Éve%20Lavalliére&f=false
See also image 000003 http://image.queertangobook.org/mr-et-mme-richepin-spinelly-et-lavalliere-les-deux-femmes-dansant-le-tango-photographie-de-presse-agence-rol/“
What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be?
Ray Batchelor believes: “The image is out of copyright.”
The image url: