Five couples of men posing, Argentina, 1940s or 1950s?

Ray Batchelor writes:
“From ‘En Ojo con Dientes’ to publicise the 4th Internartional Queer Tango Festival in Buenos Aires in 2010 – ‘Buenos Aires se prepara para la IV edición del festival de tango homosexual’
In Cultura, Noticias, Sociedad on 21 noviembre, 2010 at 15:26
I am grateful to Birthe Havmøller for suggestion that the five couples – with one more person taking the photograph – might be a football team of 11 players creating this much used image. 1940s? 1950s? And in the countryside, perhaps?
I discuss this image, briefly, in a paper I gave in 2016:
“Queer Tango’s ‘Image Problem’: Men, Intimacy and Pictures from the Past” Joint SDHS + CORD Annual Conference, Beyond Authenticity: Pomona College, Claremont, California, USA, 4th November 2016 [Text]:’s_’Image_Problem’_Men_Intimacy_and_Pictures_from_the_Past
What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be?
Ray Batchelor believes: “The image is out of copyright.”
The image url: