Day: 21 March 2016

1951 Tango en el tablado “La perla de Rocha”.

Gonzalo Collazo writes: “1951 Tango on the stage “La perla de Rocha” in the neighborhood La Comersial, Dr. Joaquin Requena between Nicaragua and Gral. Pagola, Montevideo. Uruguay. Courtesy of Daniel Menéndez. It shows a typical carnival activity. In Uruguay was traditional for many decades to build stages on the street

Inmigrantes bailando en la cubierta del barco en el viaje a Buenos Aires 1920

Gonzalo Collazo writes: “Immigrants dancing on the deck of the ship on the trip to Buenos Aires 1920 ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url:

1928 – Sailors Practising. Marineros practicando.

Gonzalo Collazo writes: ” ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url:

1913 Hombres bailando tango en Rosario.

Gonzalo Collazo writes: What do you believe the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url:

Antonio Perea en Buenos Aires en la década de 1950

Gonzalo Collazo writes: “Antonio Perea 1950s with two friends practising tango. 1950s Antonio Perea con dos amigos practicando tango.” 27 March 2020, Ray Batchelor adds: the Google translation of the French caption to the photo: “Antonio Perea (au centre) et des amis pratiquent le tango au coin d’une rue du

Bailes de carnaval por los barrios porteños

Gonzalo Collazo writes: “Buenos Aires, carnival, tango dance, 1950. Buenos Aires, año 1950, baile de carnaval. Archivo General de La Nación ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url:

Baile en un barrio popular de Buenos Aires. 1935

Gonzalo Collazo writes: “I found two sources, the second is: Baile en un barrio popular de Buenos Aires, ca. 1935. AGN ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url:

Tango en el vivac del RI 1 Patricios

Gonzalo Collazo writes: “The vivac was a practice in the military service that consisted in building a camp and thus live a while, sometimes sleeping rough. Patricios is the Regiment of Buenos Aires city, was a destination for wealthier university soldiers in Palermo. Now it is a military centre without

1926 – Men Practising in Buenos Aires

Gonzalo Collazo writes: “I couldn’t find the source where I took the photo for the first time, which it said “1926 Instantánea. Hombres caminando mientras dan pasos de baile. Tango de arrabal mistongo”, “1926 Snapshot. Men walking while giving dance steps. Tango at poor suburbs”; but I found two others.