Ray Batchelor writes: “The artwork for this postcard is signed by Luiz Usabal Y Hernandez. It is taken from the Wikipedia entry for “Queer Tango” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer_Tango (accessed 29 March 2016) which includes this quotation from J. Alberto Mariñas: "The origin of those images, like the origin of the enthronement of
Ray Batchelor writes: I find this interesting because it shows a woman fighting for her political rights in 1913, at the height of “Tangomania” having her actions subverted by the policeman who, by turning his arrest of her into a tango, thinks it is all a joke and undermines her
Ray Batchelor writes: “Accrording to the text found at the source (with this mis-spelling of Valentino’s first name): Viola Dana and Shirley Mason appeared as Mr and Mrs Rodolph Valentino in the Actors’ Fund Benefit Show in Los Angeles and scored with the Argentine tango. The famous sisters proved great
Gonzalo Collazo writes: “c 1910 Sunday aboard Françoise-Amboise. Dans les grands beaux temps, la danse entre marins au son de l’accordéon (à droite). In the good times, the dance between marines and the sound of an accordion. ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be?
Gonzalo Collazo writes: ” ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url: http://mobilesamurai41.blog.so-net.ne.jp/archive/20140420
Gonzalo Collazo writes: ” ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url: http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/forums/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F248783-dancing-sailors-dancing-with-themselves-on-board-ships%2F
Gonzalo Collazo writes: “There are many sources for this picture. ” What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be? Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.” The image url: https://juan314.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/tango-en-el-east-end-londres-tango-in-the-east-end-london-by-thurston-hopkins-1954/
Gonzalo Collazo Fabbri writes: “Во Франции офицеры танцуют первое официально разрешенное танго. Этим Франция отличается от Германии, где император запретил офицером танцевать танго. Франция, 1914.е [Ray Batchelor writes: which is Russian which, 27 March 2020, Google Translate renders as] “In France, officers dance the first officially permitted tango. This distinguishes
Gonzalo Collazo Fabbri writes: “Two German soldiers dancing, one in drag, to the pleasant music produced by an accordion/concertina – World War II http://eltrabajonoshacelibres.blogspot.com.uy/2011_12_01_archive.html Two German soldiers dancing to the strains of an accordion player – World War II http://www.ipernity.com/doc/57114/11051618 ” What do you belive the copyright status of this