A postcard by Tuck showing a tango couple of two women, c 1913?

Ray Batchelor writes:
“The artwork is signed by Luiz Usabal Y Hernandez.
This image came from a Roumanian tango website:
Rasfoiesc internetul in cautarea unui raspuns si a mai multor variante/opinii legate de "femeile sa conduca in Tango"
Parerile sunt variate, cele mai multe tin de eticheta in dans si traditia argentiniana, ceea ce face ca tangoul sa fie deosebit de celelate dansuri sociale.
Raman in zona traditionalului si a "definitiilor" tangoului si gasesc, din nou:
"Tangoului traditional este cufundat în cultura machismul. Este o reflectare a societăţii argentiniene cu opinii referitoare la relaţiile sexuale şi de gen. Barbatul este participant activ în timp ce femeia este pasiv. Tangoul argentinian este un dans plin de improvizatie. Liderul masculin se mişcă înainte, ghidează pasii, ritmul şi protejează femeia care paşeste cu spatele, în deplină încredere, […]. Ea adaugă elemente expresive in dans: adornos (ornamente). Bărbatul, avand rol de coregraf, creează structura de dans, şi scopul lui este de scoate femeia in evidenta. Femeie trebuie să aştepte a fi condusa dar cu un lider rău, ea a pierdut."
Pareri si povestioare
• Do women need to be men in tango?
• Leading women
• Should women be allowed to lead the tango? aici va puteti expima parerea cu YES sau NO – momentan "fetele" conduc 🙂
Internet browsing in search of an answer and several variants / opinions about "women to lead the Tango"
Opinions are varied, most related to etiquette and tradition dancing Argentine tango which makes the other to be especially social dances.
Remain in the area and the traditional "definitions" of tango and find again:
"Tango is traditionally immersed in the culture of machismo. It is a reflection of society Argentine views on sex and gender. The man is an active participant while the woman is passive. Tango is a dance full of improvisation. The leader of men moves forward guides the steps, rhythm and protects the woman who steps back, in complete confidence, […]. She adds expressive elements in dance: ADORNOS (ornaments). the man, with the role of choreographer creates dance structure, and purpose of is out out woman. woman must wait to be led but a bad leader, she lost. "
Opinions and stories
Do Women Need to be mentioned in tango?
Leading women
BE shouldnt allowed women to lead the tango? here you can expresses the opinion with YES or NO – currently "girls" run 🙂
The drivel about standard tango roles from the Roumanian tango website correspoends closely to the account given by Natalia Merkulova in the Queer Tango Book of attitudes in nearby Russia – but yet they included this image and pose these questions (apologies for the mechnaical translation). Very interesting!”
What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be?
Ray Batchelor believes: “The image is out of copyright.”
The image url: