Antonio Perea en Buenos Aires en la década de 1950

Gonzalo Collazo writes:
“Antonio Perea 1950s with two friends practising tango.
1950s Antonio Perea con dos amigos practicando tango.”
27 March 2020, Ray Batchelor adds: the Google translation of the French caption to the photo:
“Antonio Perea (au centre) et des amis pratiquent le tango au coin d’une rue du quartier de Flores, Buenos Aires, vers le début des années 50.”
“Antonio Perea (center) and friends practice tango at the corner of a street in the Flores district, Buenos Aires, around the early 1950s.”
What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be?
Gonzalo Collazo believes: “The image is out of copyright.”
The image url: