Shipyard workers dancing at Bordeaux, France, 1936

Ray Batchelor writes:
“From the website of a page devoted to “Le Tango, à l’origine, se dansait-il entre hommes ?”
Des danseurs de Tango au son d’un Bandonéon, quelque part en Argentine ?
Non : des danseurs probablement de Valse et de Polka, à Bordeaux, au son d’un accordéon, lors d’une grève des ouvriers des chantiers navals !
Which in Google Translate becomes:
Tango dancers to the sound of a bandoneon, somewhere in Argentina?
No: the dancers probably Waltz and Polka, in Bordeaux, the sound of an accordion during a strike of shipyard workers!”
…but we can’t know which dance it was, which is why I am submitting this image. Besides, it is being used on this website to explore the historical concept of same sex tango dancing.”
What do you belive the copyright status of this image to be?
Ray Batchelor believes: “The image is out of copyright.”
The image url: